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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hollow Rings

Hollow Rings
Inspired by The Hollow Crowns Trilogy.  All those loveless marriages before Henry the VII “invented” divorce.  The Kings may have gotten some side “something-something” but the women would have been watched oh so carefully.  Sucks.  Queen Anne may have lost her head but it created a great stride in saving people who are in bad marriages.  As Shakespeare said, “Many a good hangings prevents a bad marriage.”

The Autumn leaves begin to fall now
The time has come for honor’d vow
As on her head you place the crown
Think on what you have cast down
Time will past in measured stride
Will thirst no longer be denied?
A hunger for the missing link
If only you had time to think
But honor must ‘fore pleasure come
Hail the day with wine and rum
Later, regret on stilted wings
Will be borne down on silv’red rings
Naught to do but hold heads high
Live together alone until you die

#Autumn,  #marriage, #Hollowcrown, #loveless, #love, #king, #queen, #crown, #rings, #honor, #time, #head, #cast, #think, #measured,#stride, #thirst, #link, #pleasure, #wine, #rum, #wings, #together, #alone, #poem, #poetry#die, #shakespeare, 

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