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Monday, February 3, 2014

So MOFFAT and Sherlock…

So MOFFAT and Sherlock…
No reviews because everyone else is already doing that.  First, why is Moriarty in a “I love me” jacket imprisoned in Sherlock’s mind palace? John didn’t bring the gun to kill C.A.M.  Sherlock did. Sherlock made him step back, almost the exact words as when Sherlock “died”.  Mycroft says “you know what happened to the other one”.  Mrs. Holmes was a mathematics professor.  In the books, Moriarty is a Professor of Mathematics.  In “The Empty Hearse”, Sherlock mentions several plans made with Mycroft to fake his death.  The one chosen was Lazarus.  Lazarus was the man who rose from the dead.  What if that wasn’t referring to Sherlock but to Moriarty the other brother? After all family is family.  Mycroft wasn’t going to kill Sherlock either.   Sorry if that was a bit convoluted but it is Sherlock and MOFFAT of course.
BTW can I have something Sherlock wants to steal?  Just so he can fake propose to me.  JS

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