Follow Me Where I Go...

Blog owner not responsible for errors at the source

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Flagging, flailing
Wasting, wailing
I falter where you fail
Pressing, pleading
Sorrowing, Sighing
You fall while I still try
Wary, Watchful
Cautious, Clever
The odds of that this will work is never
Coveting, Crying
Begging a Begining
Who would contest those odds?

Monday, October 21, 2019


I onced dreamed of great beauty
Like a lamp burning in the night
My flights turned to fancy
My wonders, endless delight

The world was edged in crimson,
A bastion, a bulwark, and safe
No troubles touched or teased me
No mettle tested my faith

Then came a change and so slowly
A crack in the concrete facade
Like riven rock fording the sea
Like a wave waiting on the esplanade

Retreating to my humble cottage
In my shock, I cast down my eyes
On my bedspread, I found sitting there
On the pillow was the final prize

Sunday, October 20, 2019


The secret voice
Whispering in my mind
Telling me softly
Joking, laughing
Never here, gone
Fleeting, away
No sight to betray
Kiss me invisibly
Touching not being
Once more into the fray
No one knows
Spying on life
Not of but above
You cannot be found


Where do people go
When they just disappear?
Their lives but a memory
A dream in the night
Do they become angels
Watching over us by day?
Or are they simply
A figment,
When no one left remembers?

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Darkest Dreaming

In the darkest corner of my mind
That's the place they stay
The ones that won't go away
Where they don't have to hide

I watch the parched desert
Encroached by now barren sea
Scorched down to aridity
And wonder if I can flee

In this bleak and desolate place
Electricity fills the air
Outside pressures compose the haze
That bring the end to many a chase
Reality has begun to tear
Seen through the spine of the sun's buring glare