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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My memory is going...

I can no longer remember both of the parts of Handel's Hallelujah chorus.  I originally learned it in tenor, then I switched a year later to soprano.  After the teacher actually listened to me.  I could hit the tenor notes mind you, but I could hit the soprano easier. LOL  I think I could qualified as a true tenor now, after my thyroid issues.  I was playing around with recording some stuff and I said I know, I'll record both parts of the Hallelujah chorus.  Only to find I can't remember them.  I just love my mind, not! This is not acceptable.  I wish there was something to do about it.  Unfortunately, there is no real problem, hence no solution.  I've had a headache since 1994, that's probably part of it.  Or at least one of the medications I'm on.  I used to remember everything.  And I do mean everything.  Exact conversations.  Now, I have trouble with names.  It sucks.  I'm fighting the best I can.  It makes you feel like you can't win when you're thirty three and you feel like you're fifty.  I understand that there are people that are worse then I am.  I just get frustrated sometimes.  Zebras get lonely sometimes.  It's hard to find someone who understands exactly what it feels like to have stripes. They stick out but at the same time you blend in the jungle. Camouflage isn't always a good thing.  It may stop the person who could help you the most from noticing you. 

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