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Friday, April 18, 2014

TIL I can take online courses abroad...

I recently found out you can take courses at Cambridge and Oxford online. I'm really thinking about it. If I could take it slowly, I might like it. I like the idea of choosing my own courses. One of the things I hated in school was the required courses. I had a course called music for non music majors. It was all stuff I knew. I may not have been a Music Major but I AM a music aficionado. Then again, I never got along with my English teachers. The reasons were very simple. I tend to write like I speak. I am over effusive with prepositional phrases. I am overly descriptive. I do not follow the narrative well. My paragraph structure is laughable. I overuse extensive parlance. (LOL) My poetry, although touching at times, generally follows no set pattern or rhyme scheme intentionally. I do like learn the whys and wherefores of language though. I have been reading books in my spare time about linguistics and the origins of words. It’s interesting. I like how English is both the considered one of the hardest and easiest languages to learn. I like learning all those grammar rules I break haphazardly. I like learning what other people have done so I don’t repeat it. I like learning about the people of history and WHY they did they things they did. If you understand the cause, you will be able to predict the effect. I was always bad at math because I had trouble with the numbers. I understood the processes though. History is just a series of math equations. Person A marries Person B so Person C goes to war with Person B. It is not too hard to figure out. I like history math better than real math. Come to think of it, I used geometry a lot in sports. In basketball, pool and baseball you figure out the angles to calculate the hit for maximum force. In soccer and volleyball and basketball again, angles must constantly be calculated to coordinate throws, kicks, hits, etc. I guess I’m better at math than I thought. I speculate it’s good to be better than you think at something then worse than you think at something. I know that sentence was horrible but I can’t think of any other way to express that thought. That is why I need to go back to school. Perhaps I should study ancient languages and bury my nose in old books. Oh wait, I do that already! Or I could study Cultural Anthropology. That’s the study of society today. I could write a book on how the internet is rotting our brains…

Sounds like an idea…

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