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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What Happens Next, Island Board?

Hear that sound? That is the sound of 330 years of history going down the drain.  I respect and admire Don.  He has only
one voice and gets only vote. He can try to persuade the other managers but they seem to have made their minds up already or else they would not have tried so hard to defeat us.  The BOIM is desperately lacking funds due to over reliance on the lawyer. (We intended to replace him with a pro-bono attorney)  One member says that she does not have the time now.  When the board is broke, she will have plenty of time.  But she is not the only board member.  Why were other members not working on these projects? I see where the board is heading and it is not a good place.  I vacillate between attending the next few meetings and staying home, like a little child hiding their eyes behind their hands at the scary movie but peeking through to watch the killer chop someone’s head off.  I say the next few meetings, because the BOIM will not make it more than that without financial intervention and several of the board members just insulted the only investor!  That is, unless there were backroom deals in the works.   Is someone waiting in the wings to swoop in and save the day?  I feel so hopeless that a great resource for the school children will sit there untapped.  Not only that but without the BOIM and defend it, the state still intends to dump dredge spoils on the island.  That involves removing the trees and defoliating the island.  No more birds, no more wildlife, no more resource.  I wish Don plenty of luck in trying to work with the inflexible people on the BOIM.

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