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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ever After Land

In the deepest dark of night 

Alone with the silence of my mind 

I say a desperate prayer 

Hoping your wisdom find 

Anything to keep your name on my lips 

If only you were here 

Keeping bad thoughts at bay

Banishing all my fears 

Fairytale Endings are fiction

Children kept awed and astounded 

Real life never that easy 

Hardships and dangers abound it 

Reality is harsh and unweildy 

It never goes according to plan 

Just once I want the White Knight 

The Prince, the Castle, and Ever After Land

#EverAfter, #dark, #night, #silence, #mind, #desperate, #prayer, #wisdom, #lips, #fears, #fairytale, #awed, #astounded, #hardships, #harsh, #unworldly, #WhiteKnight, #prince, #castle, #poem, #poetry, #writing

Friday, May 24, 2024



Du får meg til å føle at hele verden er forelsket

I deg finner jeg kos, mitt sentrum, min frelse.

Dørstokkmil var skummelt, men til slutt falt vi.

Å leve på luft og kjærlighet, du tar meg på sengen.

Sammen reiser vi oss som solen på himmelen

Bølge etter bølge

Høyere og høyere

Men så kommer fall

Omslynget sammen

Sjeler bundet



You make me feel like the whole world is forelsket.

In you I find my comfort, my center, my salvation.

Those first steps were scary, but eventually we fell.

Living on air and love, you catch me off guard.

Together we rise like the sun in glory

Wave after wave

Higher and higher

But then comes the fall

Entwined together

Souls bound


#poem, #poetry, #love, #fysen, #verden, #kos, #sentrum, #frelse, #skummelt, #kjærlighet, #sammen, #reiser, #solen, #bølge, #høyere, #omslynget, #sammen,

#sjeler, #bundet,

#world, #cuddle, #center, #salvation, #scary, #love, #together, #rising, #sun, #wave, #higher, #encircled, #together,

#souls, #bound,

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Your beauty is all I see 

I want to be with you forever

Beloved come home to me

My love is deeper then any sea

My heart to yours I'll tether

Your beauty is all I see 

Listen and hear my plea

Gentle like the touch of a feather

Beloved come home to me

To my heart you'll have the key

No matter what the weather

Your beauty is all I see 

Together we can make such harmony

All other connections sever

Beloved come home to me

Our love is meant to be

We make each other better

Your beauty is all I see 

Beloved come home to me

#poem, #poetry, #beloved, #beauty, #forever, #love, #deeper, #heart, #plea, #feather, #home, 

Sunday, January 28, 2024


Not arguing today
Words get in the way
Sorry falls on deaf ears
And the world is waiting
For the clamour of the voices
To fall away 
When words get in the way

Time will not obey
When it falls away
The world stopped turning
So it gave up trying
We need to figure it out
How to stay
Before we fall away

Don't want to go away
So how do I stay
Hiding here all my days
Enclosed in your arms until night
With you eternally
Before you fall away
How do I stay

#poem, #poetry, #Clamour, #words, #world, #voices, #time, #fall, #away, #hiding, #arms, #eternally

Wednesday, October 18, 2023



All is lost in that summer day

When time meant more than this

Two loving hearts tremble and sway

Existing in undeniable bliss

The world is made for love like this

Fueling hearts and minds

Every passionate moment and kiss

Help the stars sparkle and shine

Gone within that summer day

Lost but not forgotten

Golden memories will stay

No matter what darkness may come

#Poem, #Poetry, #lost, #summer, #day, #time, #loving, #hearts, #tremble, #sway, #undeniable, #bliss, #minds, #passionate, #kiss, #stars, #sparkle, #shine, #love, #lost, #forgotten, #golden, #memories, #darkness,

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


If madness is as madness does

Then pleasure surely seeks

What madmen do, as it ever was

Emotion ebbs and peaks

And havoc surely wreaks


#poem, #poetry, #Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Friday, July 7, 2023

Untitled #7723


You are the voice inside my head.

A silent counterpart on my journey 

Keeping me company where I tread 

Dispelling all my fears and worries


Tell me not of tragic woes. 

I want to share your joys 

Speak to me of highs, not lows 

We'll rise above the maddening noise. 

The future comes on unflighted wing.

No faster than today, 

Let us live, our hearts will sing 

And greet the coming day.

#poem, #poetry, #love, #silent, #voice, #head, #company, #tread, #heart, #future, #today, #live, #woes, #highs, #lows, #joy, #journey, #company, #fears, #worries, 

Thursday, February 23, 2023


 Wouldst thou callst me thine

My heart thy pleadings yearns to hear

In moments fleeting ever divine

I wish thou closer, bide thou here

The moment nearer draws 

As two now one becoming

Breathing, living pause

To witness vows forthcoming

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Inhala, exhala,

Siente tu pulso empezar a escala,

Inhala, exhala,

Entre nuestras almas comienza como un jalar

Inhala, exhala,

Mi conexión al mundo parece rala,

Inhala, exhala,

Esto es lo que significa, vivir.

Inhale, Exhale,

Feel your pulse begin to race,

Inhale, Exhale,

Between our souls it starts a pull,

Inhale, Exhale,

My connection to the world seems sparse,

Inhale, Exhale,

This is what it means, to live.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 Making patterns out of chaos

Divining the unseen

Tangled threads unweaving

Return from shuttle to skein

What once took shape and form

Is now just colors and thread

Old habits seem to be returning

I can't make it straight in my head

I tried to see the big picture

But now I have disarray

If this story just ends here

I'll treasure our few precious days

Time to start a new weaving

Try to tell a new tale

The same threads woven together

But changing the smallest details

#poem,#poetry, #patterns, #chaos, #Divining, #unseen, #threads, #shuttle, #skein, #shape, #form, #colors #thread, #habits, #disarray, #story, #treasure, #precious, #weaving, #woven, #details