Saturday, September 17, 2022

Presque Vu

Unknown memories 

Feeling things that haven't happened yet

Tingling, racing through my nerves,

Like a dance,

That feeling, without restraint,

A lambada, 

Forbidden, wild,

Rushing through my veins like a drug

Changing my body chemistry

I will never be the same again

You imprint yourself into my muscle memory

I remember you 

The same way I remember 

How to walk, 

How to laugh, 

How to cry,

You are a part of me now

Never again to be forgotten

As these memories rise to the surface

No longer unknown,


Forgotten for now,

Just lost to time

Until they can be made again

For the first time

#presquevu, #poem, #poetry, #memories,#feelings, #Tingling, #racing, #nerves, #dance, #restraint, #lambada, #forbidden, #wild, #rushing, #veins, #drug, #chemistry, #imprint, #muscle, #memory, #remember, #walk, #laugh, #cry, #part, #forgotten, #surface, #made, #first, #time,