Thursday, January 2, 2020

Doctor Who Spyfall:Part 1 "Spoilers" *

So I just watched Skyfall Part 1 of the New Season Of Doctor Who. I hadn't done any real reviews of it last year because it had a new EP, a new Doctor, a new TARDIS team and were trying something new in having the Doctor be female. I knew any remarks on anything that seemed at all negative would also seem in some way misogynistic, racist, sexist, ablist.
So I am going to talk about the suprize guest, well guests if you count the white floating things that remind me of cyberman from every incarnation that they have visited us. So then we met a man who makes no sense, who has no trade/enterprise, and needs a large crew to hand & uses a fish as his avatar. Even though Torchwood had a Alien fish, Doctor Who had never addressed Jim the Fish and this is where my mind immediately went. In a way that would have been better. You see the last appearance of the Master, well Missy, was in in the The Doctor Falls. In this episode she turned over a new leaf. She had been heading to this epiphany for over a season. It was a planned story arc with growth and character development. She learned the error of her ways. She made the choice to take her own life (John Simms version) to allow herself to make this growth. Then he killed her. I can vaguely understand a male EP recasting the role as a man.(foreshadowing for The Doctor for those who think a female doctor is going to last BTW, that's not for or against that's simply cynicism against a largely male dominated industry) However, to reintroduce The Master as an evil character, as an agent of chaos is to undo the entire character arc of Missy. Again this is foreshadowing of the future of The Doctor. Any character growth made, any changes will be undone in the stroke of a pen.